Do something on the web about the web

Austin Story
1 min readApr 30, 2021


When I heard about this project, my first thought was to add a new page to my website; I just had to figure out what. After some deep thinking, I decided to add a page that allowed users to add a little post of whatever they wanted to say anonymously.

Now, I was only really testing the site on chrome while I was programming it. So, it doesn’t work well on Safari and Firefox. Random, because no one really uses it anymore, I did notice it works on Internet Explorer. I built it with React.js, Next.js and Postgres.

Clarification, if you enter text in the little box and then hit the Add button, it’ll load whatever you write into the big box next to it. I cleared out the table in the database that contains things that are written so if you see an empty box when you visit the site, that’s because nothing has been added yet!

