The Internet

Austin Story
2 min readFeb 25, 2021


How do i symbolize what the internet is?

The internet is everything, the internet is nothing. I could go online right now and learn how to make a papier-mâché project in 5 minutes, I could show a picture of the ukulele i bought off Amazon and all the ways I could learn it, or I could take a picture of something basic and simple, because thats what the internet is. It’s everything, but at the same time it’s small, or minute. And yes, I just looked up how to spell that and it took an actual minute, 60 seconds. Thats how fast you can learn something on the internet, but the expanse of knowledge on it just creates the difficulty I am finding with coming up with a symbol for it.

Though it’s quite obvious, I’ll say it anyway; I’m not an artist. As I thought pretty deep about the question, it led me to the realization that everything is the internet. It’s all around us, it controls our lives in both good ways and bad ways and connects us globally. For instance, my girlfriend is from the Philippines and the internet to her is family, because that’s how she connects with hers back home, even though they’re 12,000 miles away.

But to me? I was born in the United States, my social circle does not extend beyond it. So following that synopsis, I would say the internet is where I learn, where I relax, where I play. I was born in 1996 so for the majority of my life, it’s always been there and I can’t think of what life would be without it. The internet just, is.

I suppose to end, this is my dog, Ginger. We found how, on the internet, all the way in Pennsylvania. So that’s what the internet is. It’s how we discover things.

My process: as I thought how to create a project of the internet, I realized it was too much to come up with one specific thing to symbolize it. In a way, the internet is the what, why, and hows of all of our processes.

